Sunday, March 16, 2014

Took two neonatal mathasaha Date

Urmila inhabiting North India Sharma gave birth to a baby girl last Wednesday morning, one of the two mathasaha . Hospital CEO Dr JK siganasa Hindu . Ashish seghala sent ABC News - The incident was confirmed by mail . He said the child is now healthy . In the absence of regular ultrasound tests urmila and her husband could not . Consequently, only two weeks before they can get to know the serious problems facing children in the womb . Twins are physically associated with each other, in the rare problem in children , which is called daisephyalika pyarapyagasa medicine . Child's chances of survival are very weak . Jamajera perfect and could save the lives of those with surgery can be challenging . Before the surgery, the process will be the physical situation was stable . Seghala said. The child 's parents - mother worried inhabits .

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